Dice notation#Percentile dice .28d.25.29

The term W100, sometimes W - percent or W % called, is a term for various dice games and means to produce at the generally used one or two dice, in principle, any method to a random number from 1 to 100.

Dice types and methods

There are several ways to produce such a random number.

A cube method

To achieve a random number from 1 to 100 with a cube is a special, almost spherical cubes with 100 pairs opposite wells needed. This type of cube is named after its inventor also Zocchihedron [note 1] called. Although such a 100 - sided die is not ideal, but it is sufficient for most applications in dice games, which are used in W100. On a sufficiently horizontal, flat and smooth surface of the cube remains lying on one of the wells and the number whose depression is facing up, then the result number of the dice roll.

Main criticism Punk at this cube method is firstly the availability of " sufficiently horizontal, flat and smooth surfaces ", since this type of dice under non- ideal conditions, tends to lie there so that the result is not unique to read. Moreover, the application requires some sensitivity so that the dice will not roll from the dice to the designated area, in particular because it is difficult to be used together with a dice cup, because he has to roll to generate a sufficiently random number. A cube tray with rim is too good to optimize the dice conditions.

Two cubes method

This method generally two clearly distinguishable W10 find (ten -sided dice ) application. The two dice are rolled simultaneously and interpreted one of the two dice as the " tens " and the other as " one body", which will be announced before the dice.

Is announced, for example, in a gray and a red W10 that the red, the tens digit is supposed to represent, and the red after rolling a 9, the gray one 6, the result of 96 Would have been instead fashionable the gray W10 as tens place, would be the result, with the same picture of the cube ( red in Figure 9, gray shows 6) a 69 shows the tens digit, 0 is the result interpreted as a digit, that is, for example, if the number a 0 and a One show 7 is the result 07, ie 7 A 0 on both dice is either 0 or 100, interpreted according to rules of the game, mostly as 100

This method provides a more reliable random number as a Zocchihedron because the individual cubes can be "ideal". Criticism is actually practiced in this case only to the players, because you can cheat on the reading of the result if, for example, the numeric or one cube not announced in time. To counter this, two such dice are sold in a set, the one instead of the usual numbers from 0 to 9, the numbers from 00 to 90 supports in increments of ten, [note 2] which the tens digit is clearly defined for the reading of the result.


Most commonly, the W100 comes in pen & paper role-playing games to the Application. The opinion of some role-playing game developers and players after, the use of percentage probabilities creates a better overview of the game mechanics and gameplay designed estimable. In particular, smaller gradations are possible than with other types of cubes in probability.

  • D & D
  • Rolemaster and Space Master
  • Basic Role-Playing (ie also RuneQuest, Stormbringer, Call of Cthulhu, etc.)