Dick Moores

Richard Arnold Moore ( born December 12, 1909 in Lincoln, Nebraska, † April 22, 1986 in Asheville, North Carolina) was an American comic book artist.

After studying at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, Moore worked as an assistant for Chester Gould Dick Tracy and the Strip. He also drew for a short time at their own comic strips. In 1942 he came to Disney, where he worked in animated films as well as in comics. During the 1940s and 50s, he worked on Mickey Mouse, Alice in Wonderland, Bugs Bunny or Porky Pig comic books for the daily newspaper. From 1956 he was assistant to Frank O. King and his daily Gasoline Alley strip, which Moore from 1959 completely took over as King retired. From 1975 he also took over the Sunday side that had previously supported Bill Perry. Moores modernized the strip and put the focus on other characters as King. He drew the successful series until his death in 1986.

Rates & Awards (selection)
