Dig (command)

Dig is a command in various operating systems with which the server of the global Domain Name System (DNS) can be queried.

The name is an abbreviation of " domain information groper " (literally translated from English: " sampler for domain information," but also a pun to dig, " dig ").

Dig is regarded as more modern alternative to nslookup. It dispenses with the interactive mode of nslookup, but offers, in particular as part of the open source BIND v9.x distribution of the ISC (BIND -tools), more comprehensive query options for practically all the possible DNS information. This makes it a powerful tool for testing and troubleshooting DNS installations, but can also be used as a flexible command line tool and in shell scripts. A particular advantage of ( ISC BIND ) dig it the largely identical syntax its command line parameters when using under all supported operating systems.


  • Dig ( 1) - Debian Executable programs or shell commands manual page

Chgrp | chown | chmod | cp | dd | df | dir | dircolors | install | ln | ls | mkdir | mkfifo | mknod | mv | rm | rmdir | shred | sync | touch | vdir

Cat | cksum | comm | csplit | cut | expand | fmt | fold | head | join | md5sum | nl | od | paste | ptx | pr | sha1sum | sort | split | sum | tac | tail | tr | tsort | unexpand | uniq | wc

basename | chroot | date | dirname | du | echo | env | expr | factor | false | groups | hostid | id | link | logname | nice | nohup | pathchk | pinky | printenv | printf | pwd | readlink | seq | sleep | stat | stty | tee | test | true | tty | uname | unlink | Forums | who | whoami | yes

  • Solaris software
  • UNIX software
  • Linux software