Dillenia indica

Fruit and leaves

The Indian Rose apple ( Dillenia indica) or Chalta is a deciduous tree with edible fruits from the family of rose apple plants ( Dilleniaceae ). The original distribution area is located in South and Southeast Asia, the species is cultivated but also on the Caribbean islands.


The Indian rose apple is up to 30 meters high evergreen broadleaf tree with a diameter at breast height of up to 1.2 meters, dense, rounded crown and sometimes small buttress roots. The Stammborke is reddish - brown and scaly. Young twigs are brown haired, but later lose their hair.

The leaves are alternate and have a 2 to 4 inches long, narrowly winged, furrowed stem with felted base. The leaf blade is 15 to 40 centimeters long and 7-14 centimeters wide, oblong or obovate oblong, acuminate with significantly serrated leaf edge. On both sides there are 30 to 40 ( rarely from 20 and up to 70 ) pairs of parallel, significantly depressed veins. The upper leaf surface is bare and shiny dark green, the underside somewhat hairy on the nerves.

The hermaphrodite flowers are individually at branch ends on long stalks and have diameters from 12 to 20 centimeters. The five sepals are rounded, 4 to 6 inches long and two inches broad, fleshy, and of a yellowish-green color. The petals are white, obovate and 7-9 inches long and 5-8 inches wide. They fall as early as a few hours after flowering. The stamens are arranged in two groups. The numerous outer stamens are shorter, about 15 centimeters long and straight. The approximately 25 inner stamens are 20 inches long and extend over the outer addition. They are doing a big yellow ball over the white pen are arranged like rays. The flowering 16 to 20 only at the base intergrown carpels numerous, fleshy, bright green ovules are formed.

The committee comprised of the non- fused, arranged laminate to the base of the flower, glassy- green and flat bean-shaped carpels fruits are plump and measure 10 to 15 centimeters. You will be enveloped by the permanent, greenish, yellowish or orange sepals, which enlarge after flowering, swell to a thickness of 3 cm and overlap it. The carpel are five or more, yellowish - brown, flat oval and on one side bearded hairy seeds formed without seed coat. The seeds are not released, but the surrounding tissue dissolves to maturity slimy on.


The natural range is in China ( Yunnan Province ) in India and Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia. There you will find the tree in river valleys and in alluvial deposits along river margins. The Indian rose apple is grown in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and the Caribbean Islands.

Systematics and history of research

The Indian Rose apple ( Dillenia indica) is a species in the genus Dillenia in the family of rose apple plants ( Dilleniaceae ). The species was scientifically described in 1753 by Carolus Linnaeus in Species Plantarum. When synonyms are Dillenia elliptica Thumb and Thumb Dillenia speciosa. specified.


The fibrous- fleshy, juicy and acidic aromatic sepals are edible and are eaten boiled or steamed as a vegetable, used as an ingredient in chutneys, sauces and desserts or made ​​into jelly. Mashed and boiled with water gives a great tasting drink. The pulp of the fruit leaves can be used as soap or shampoo. The juice of the fruit is taken as a cough syrup or light purgative, leaves and bark are astringent and are also used medicinally. Furniture, veneer and parquet floors are made from the reddish-brown, hard and resistant wood. The Indian Rose apple is used for its large white flowers as an ornamental plant.

