Dir (command)

You (also written DIR in MS -DOS and Windows) is a command line command that lists the contents of directories on a storage medium. Among other things, it is used in the operating systems DOS, Windows, OS / 2, RT -11, CP / M, VMS or Singularity. Because of its importance to navigate in a command line at all, it belongs next to the cd command to the known command line commands at all.

You under MS- DOS / Windows

DIR was included in Tim Paterson's 86- DOS and is one of seven command lines that were already available since the first version of MS -DOS.


Any parameters are optional, so a pure input from DIR to the transmission of the command is already sufficient. In this case, automatically defaults are used for the parameters. There is also the possibility of using the environment variable % % dircmd itself to define default values ​​for the dir parameter, which are then automatically angängt every time you use the command.

Derzeige following parameters are supported by the dir command:

/ AA = files that are marked for archiving / AD = Directories / AH = Hidden Files > br> / AI / AL / AS = system files / AR With "-" prefixed parameters are in their opposite meaning interpreted (eg / -AH does not list hidden files ).

/ D = by Date / E = by file extension / G = Grouped directories first / N = by Name / S = the size With "-" prefixed parameters are in their opposite meaning interpreted (eg / -ON lists the files and folders in reverse alphabetical order ).

/ TC = time of creation of a file or folder / TA = time of last access to a file or folder / TW = " time of last modification of a file or folder

You among other Kommandzeileninterpretern

The DIR command was already present in CP / M. Even under PowerShell exists the dir command, but only in the form of a command alias that points to the actual command Get- ChildItem. Under Unix / Linux, the ls command is used to output files and directories instead of you.
