Doris Dowling

Doris Dowling ( born May 15, 1923 in Detroit, Michigan, † June 18, 2004 in Los Angeles, California ) was an American actress.

Life and career

Doris Dowling was 1944 in the morning we heard her film debut. A year later she played her most famous role on the side of Ray Milland and Jane Wyman in The Lost Weekend, directed by Billy Wilder. Another success she succeeded in 1949 in Bitter Rice. In later years, Dowling was seen almost exclusively in television productions, such as Kojak, The Incredible Hulk, or in Simon & Simon. In 1984 she retired from acting.

Her older sister was the actress Constance Dowling.

Doris Dowling was married three times: from 1952 to 1956 with the band leader Artie Shaw, from 1956 to 1959 with producer Robert F. Blumhofe and from 1960 until her death in 2004 with producer Leonard B. Kaufman.

Filmography (selection)
