
Dunhua (敦化 市; Pinyin:. Dunhua Shì; koran 돈화 / Tonhwa ) is a county-level city in the Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture of Koreans in eastern China's Jilin province. It has an area of ​​11,957 square kilometers and counts 482 098 inhabitants.

The Liudingshan Tombs ( Koguryo ) ( Liudingshan gumuqun六 顶 山 古墓 群) and the mountain town Chengshanzi ( Chengshanzi Shancheng城 山 子 山城) available since 1961 and 2006 respectively on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China

Administrative Divisions

At the community level, sets the county-level city of four road districts, eleven large municipalities and five municipalities together.
