
Dvorníky ( until 1927 slovak " Uďvarnok "; Hungarian Udvarnok ) is a municipality in western Slovakia, with 2081 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011), the Region belongs to Okres Hlohovec, a part of the Trnavský.


The municipality is located in the hills in the lower Danube Považie the creek Jarčie, a left tributary of Waag, 10 kilometers south Hlohovecký, 11 kilometers north of Sered located. In the municipality there are several vineyards.

The municipality is divided into parts of municipalities Dvorníky and Posadka (1971 amalgamated, Hungarian 1907-1913 Szolgagyőr - before Poszátka ).


Dvorníky was first mentioned in 1247 as Vduornuc writing. The place originally belonged to the manor of Castle Neutra, later the castle Freistadt. The main occupation of the inhabitants was and is agriculture. Also viticulture was in the past is important.

The district Posadka is recorded for the first time in 1217 and was the site of the castle Szolgagyőr, which served to protect a ford across the Waag. The castle, however, no longer exists since the end of the 13th century.


Results according to the census 2001 (1.973 inhabitants):

After Ethnicity:

  • 97.62 % Slovaks
  • 0.61% Czechs
  • 0.56% gypsy
  • 0.35% Magyars

After Religion:

  • 91.89 % Roman Catholic
  • 4.66% no religious affiliation
  • 1.72 % no answer
  • 0.86% Evangelical


  • Roman Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Cross from 1788