
Olfactory dysfunction or Dysosmie is the generic term for various disorders of olfactory perception. Olfactory disorders with damage higher processing centers are referred to as central Dysosmie.

Quantitative smell disorders

  • Anosmia, the complete loss of olfaction
  • Hyposmia, a reduced sense of smell
  • Hyperosmia, a hypersensitivity to smell stimuli

Qualitative smell disorders

  • Parosmia, a change in the perception of odors
  • Phantosmie, a perception not existing odors
  • Geruchsagnosie (or generally agnosia ), odors can not be assigned
  • Heterosmie, odors can not be distinguished
  • Kakosmie, pleasant odors are perceived as unpleasant
  • Euosmie, unpleasant odors are perceived as pleasant
  • Pseudoosmie under affects odor is reinterpreted in another
  • Disease in neurology