Edmund Murton Walker

Edmund Murton Walker ( born October 5, 1877 in Windsor, † February 14, 1969 in Toronto ) was a Canadian entomologist.

Walker was born as the first son of the president of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Byron Edmund Walker in Windsor. After studying in Toronto and Berlin, he worked from 1904 at the Department of Biology at the University of Toronto. In 1934 he became head of the Zoology Department. In addition, he had by 1906 been professor of entomology until his retirement in 1948 and was from 1918 until his death in several functions member of the leadership of the Royal Ontario Museum. In the museum he founded the Invertebratensammlung. In 1943, he married Norma Ford, a former student. Walker died in 1969 in Toronto.


To him, the Flavelle Medal of the Royal Society of Canada in 1960 awarded. He also received an honorary degree from Carleton University. In his memory, the University of Toronto named a scholarship program after him.


His most important works include the three-volume Odonata of Canada and Alaska. Furthermore, he worked from 1910 to 1920 in the journal Canadian Entomologist with.


  • The Canadian Encyclopedia ( biography ). Accessed on 12 October 2013.
  • The Canadian Encyclopedia ( biography of Norma Ford Walker). Accessed on 12 October 2013.
  • National Gallery of Canada - Walker bookplates. Accessed on 12 October 2013.
  • Entomologist
  • Canadian
  • Born in 1877
  • Died in 1969
  • Man