Edward Lawry Norton

Edward Lawry Norton ( born July 28, 1898 in Rockland, Maine, USA, † January 28, 1983 in Chatham, New Jersey, USA) is an American electronics engineer. He is the namesake of the Norton 's theorem.

CV and works

Norton served 1917-1919 as a radio operator in the United States Navy. He studied until 1922 at the University of Maine, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1922 he started at the Western Electric Corporation in New York City. In 1925 he graduated with honors from Columbia University. In 1925, he joined Bell Labs. Norton moved back in 1961.

Edward Lawry Norton 1926 described in an internal report of Bell Labs, the conversion of equivalent voltage sources ( Thevenin equivalent) for spare power source (Norton equivalent). This transformation was also in November 1926 by Hans Ferdinand Mayer, a German mathematician and physicist, discovered and published in an article in the journal telegraph and telephone technology. This transformation is known today under the name Norton theorem.

Norton continued to publish three technical articles and holds 18 patents. None of his patents or articles mention the equivalent circuit, which is connected to it.


  • Http://www.ece.rice.edu/ ~ dhj / norton /
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Personality of Electrical Engineering
  • Americans
  • Born in 1898
  • Died in 1983
  • Man