Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu

Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu ( born November 10, 1887 in Galaţi, † November 25, 1973 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian chemical engineer, inventor and advocate of international disarmament.

Childhood and youth

Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu, Leonida born, grew up with ten brothers and sisters. From some of her siblings were known in the fields of sculpture, film and medicine. Her brother Dimitrie Leonida founded in 1909 in Bucharest named after him Romanian Museum of Technology, Dimitrie Leonida Muzeul Tehnic. 1918 married Elisa Leonida engineering Constantin Zamfirescu with whom she had two children.

Study and career

After graduation Elisa Leonida had wanted to study at today's Bucharest Polytechnic for bridge and road construction, which was denied her as a woman.

In 1909, Elisa Leonida then wrote to the Royal Institute of Technology Charlottenburg, today's TU Berlin, in mechanical engineering, a not to be pointed out without of Dean Hoffman, but that women have a different calling. Through her ​​degree in 1912 she became the first graduate engineer in Europe. Instead of accepting a job offer from BASF, Zamfirsecu worked as Head of the Laboratory in the Geological Institute in Bucharest, a place that they had had to fight. During the First World War Leonida worked for the Red Cross as a manager of the hospitals within Mărăşeşti.

As a chemical engineer to Zamfirescu has engaged in research on the Romanian mineral resources and large field studies are performed, which are focused in particular on the development of new resources to the energy sources such as coal, oil shale, gas, chromium, bauxite and copper. In their publications, it is, inter alia, the determination of germanium in coal and ores to bleaching earth additives for mineral oils, acrylic resins and the chemical composition of the oil in the Romanian occurrences.


As Chairman of the Peace Committee of their institute Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu participated in Lancaster House in London's disarmament committee.


Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu was recorded as the first woman in the Romanian Association of Engineers ( AGIR ).

Since 1993, carries a street in District 1 of Bucharest her name.

Since 1997, the " Premiul Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu " is awarded by the National Women's Organization of Romania, is awarded to women for their work in science and technology.


  • Contribuţiuni la studiul bauxitelor din România ( 1931).
  • Studiul chimic al cromitelor din Munţii Orşovei ( 1939).