Emil Jónsson

Emil Jónsson (born 27 October 1902 in Hafnarfjörður, † 30 November 1986 ) was an Icelandic politician of the Social Democratic Party Islands ( Alþýðuflokkurinn ) and Prime Minister of Iceland.


Studies and climb to the Minister

Emil Jónsson earned his university entrance qualification ( Stúdentspróf ) in 1919 at Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík, Iceland 's oldest high school. He then took until 1925 to study civil engineering at the University of Copenhagen. After finishing his studies, he worked as a civil engineer in several companies.

Jónsson began his political career in 1934 with the election of the Members of the Althing, where he led the interests of the Social Democratic Party represented Islands ( Alþýðuflokkurinn ) until 1971.

Ólafur Thors, Prime Minister appointed him on 21 October 1944 to the Minister of Communications. On February 4, 1947, he was then in the Cabinet of his party colleague Stefán Jóhann Stefánsson Minister of Commerce, Industry and Communications ( Viðskipta, Iðnaðar -og Samgönguráðherra ) called and held that post until December 6, 1949. From August 3 to October 7, 1956, he was briefly Foreign Minister ( Utanríkisráðherra ) in the second government of Hermann Jónasson. During this time he was involved in negotiations with the U.S. and Canada, but also with France and the Federal Republic of Germany on the foreign policy role Islands.

Prime Minister and party leader

As the successor of Jónasson Jónsson eventually became on December 23, 1958 Prime Minister of Iceland and he formed a Social Democratic minority government, which had only 6 or 8 of the 52 Althing mandates and in addition even the Office of the Minister of Communications and Fisheries ( Sjávarútvegsráðherra ) took over. In the same year he was appointed as successor to Haraldur Guðmundsson also chairman of the Social Democratic Party Islands ( Alþýðuflokkurinn ). As prime minister, but he was replaced after less than eleven months, on 20 November 1959 by Ólafur Thors.

In the coalition government of the Independence Party and the Social Democratic Party, he took over the Ministry of Fisheries and Social Affairs ( Félagsmálaráðherra ). In the subsequent government of Bjarni Benediktsson he was on 11 November 1963 to August 31, 1965 initially on Fisheries Minister, before he was Foreign Minister ( Utanríkisráðherra ) and additionally from 1 January 1970 to 10 July 1970, obviously Minister of Social Affairs. As foreign minister, he sat down among others for a consideration of the economic interests of Iceland to the EEC was ein.1968 Gylfi Þ. Gíslason his successor as Chairman of the Social Democratic Party. Most recently, he was then in the government of Jóhann Hafstein of 10 July 1970 until July 14, 1971 on Foreign Affairs and Minister of Social Affairs. Then he retired from politics.


  • Homepage of the Althing
  • Biographical information in rulers.org