Emphasis (typography)

Typestyle is a typographical way to distinguish individual blocks of text within a text, that is, they visually highlight. Some types of labeling should enable the reader to enter a text faster and to make " eye jumps" ( the text " read across " or " skim "). Other award types are used primarily to provide parts of the text with additional information for the reader. Such additional information may include, for example, in italics: "This is a book title " or " Attention, change in a foreign language " or " This is about the spelling of a word " ( metalinguistic quotation ).

Award types

Award types can be: font style, such as bold, italic, underline, Versalschrift, small caps, disabled, underlays and different fonts and colors.

For each Auszeichnungsart certain uses can be found.

  • Fats and semi-bold fonts are mainly used to highlight important individual words within a text. Highlights in this Auszeichnungsart should notice before reading and can navigate the text and thus significantly increase the reading speed (eg angefettete lemmas in a dictionary ).
  • Largely the same function also has the blocking set that can be used in the classic book layout, while fat - award is uncommon there.
  • Italics differs usually little of the base font. Emphasis that should be noticed while reading, are often set in italics. For example, serves italic for marking journal titles. These Auszeichnungsart forces for attentive reading. Here, important to note that to use the italic section of Scripture and not the font electronically " wrong / italic " sets.
  • Underline is only acceptable if other award opportunities are not given, as is the case for example in the manuscript or a typewriter, because letters with descenders are often painted over.
  • Caps and upper case ( case or capital letters called ) are used to highlight important words and short passages of text. Longer sections in capital letters or small caps within a text is hard to read and can confuse the reader.
  • By color selection or adequacy of areas important words or sections can be highlighted within the text. This fall on already before reading and contribute to the structuring of the text at. They are often used in textbooks to highlight key sentences. The backing should be clearly distinguishable from the text to ensure readability. Varying the font color to red, for example as a signal color can indicate the importance of a text line, or negative numbers.
  • Different fonts used to distinguish and emphasize individual paragraphs. To note here that you do not mix too many fonts to each other, because that affects the reading experience. In addition, one starts from a typographic font good mix when you mix for example, two writings from many different writing classes with each other, ie fonts which formally differ significantly. A font family fonts sit there with too little from each other.
  • In a broader sense, the strikeout text can be understood as a distinction, as this is not the text itself is changed, but by supplementing with the trending line through only its meaning is affected.

The different types of labeling to be further differentiated. A distinction between active, integrated and negative Awards. With active awards are called the highlighting by a significantly stronger typeface, such as bold, capital letters, or even a completely different font. The integrated award refers to more subtle ways of highlighting. These include italics and small caps. The integrated award is most commonly used because it is both unobtrusive and effective. A more rare form is the negative award, in which in a text bolded the award takes place through a lean typeface.


Headings are often bold, set in a larger font or a different font.

Set of formulas

In mathematical typesetting using italics for variables and Upright for function names, constants or indices such as "min " or " max".

Harmonic Award

In this Textauszeichnungsart is taken to ensure that the gray value of the text page as a whole remains the same. The award point so does not fall on a cursory examination of the text; the pages appear calm and steady. Only when reading the reader takes the highlighting true. Italics is the usual harmonic award, sometimes the letters are used with small caps. Harmonic award comes with it only for text components in question, not to catch the eye and are not intended to orient the reader.

In other languages

Highlights in other languages ​​differ in part due to the font used significantly from Western award.

  • As the Chinese characters know no italics, small dots ( rare small dashes) are in vertical writing alongside and in horizontal writing about (Japanese ) or below ( Chinese) written each character to highlight something in Japanese and Chinese often. This makes it similar to the underline.