English Heritage

English Heritage ( Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England) is a British government body ( " Executive Non- departmental Public Body" ), which takes care of the maintenance and preservation of archaeological and historical sites in England. In other parts of the UK there are similar organizations, such as Historic Scotland in Scotland or Cadw in Wales.

English Heritage ( EH ) under the Ministry for Culture, Media and Sport ( DCMS, formerly the Department of Environment (DoE ), Department of Works ) and the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, but also works with the ODPM and DEFRA together. His responsibilities are set out in the National Heritage Act of 1983. The management of EH is 16 Commissioners who are determined directly by the government. You will be advised by a total of 13 committees and advisory groups.

English Heritage manages over 400 historically valuable objects, such as Stonehenge and is responsible for the conservation of currently (2010) approximately 375,000 structures responsible. Since 1999, the monument list is public and is jointly funded by English Heritage, the Heritage Lottery lottery company, Royal Photographic Fund and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

According to its homepage EH received in 2000 /01 £ 115 million of public funds, 2003/ 04 119 590 000 £, 2004/ 05 125 288 000 pounds and 2008/ 09 £ 132.7 million - next to it generated from admissions, sales and membership fees during the latter period about 48 million pounds. English Heritage also receives grants from the EU.
