Enrico Del Debbio

Enrico Del Debbio ( born May 26, 1881 in Carrara, † 12 July 1973 in Rome ) was an Italian architect and university professor.

Its main activity unfolded Del Debbio during the period of the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini, as a designer of the Foro Italico and the adjacent Palazzo del Littorio, the fascist party headquarters (now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Palazzo della Farnesina ). Sometimes He appeared to be also influenced by the flow of the rationalist, but his major works from this period are typical Imponier and domination architecture.

Del Debbio was 1922-1962 Lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture in Rome, 1952-68 Member of the Commission of Urban and Municipal Construction Committee in Rome. After 1945, his buildings oriented rather the example of Scandinavian modernism. His life, as that of Marcello Piacentini as an example of the flexibility to apply pragmatic adaptability and cross-system continuity in the Italian architect stand of the 20th century.
