
The Epipalaeolithic was a transitional period in the technological development of man from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic period. This term is used for those regions that have not or hardly characterized by alternating between ice ages and warmer interglacial periods mighty ice sheets. If anything, this change appeared in the more southern latitudes as a sequence of rain to drought periods. That was the case of Afghanistan, especially in North Africa, including the Mediterranean and in northern India and south. North of the Alps is used for the period from the beginning of the Holocene around 9600 BC, the term Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic ).

Regional and temporal processes

The Epipalaeolithic began regionally different about 20,000 years ago and ended - also regionally very different - with the beginning of the Neolithic. Used this term in the western or Mediterranean culture area especially in the Middle East, Anatolia and Cyprus as well as in North Africa, so in areas that occurred very early in the process of Neolithization. The in northern central Europe beginning with the post-glacial climate change process of reforestation impacted in the Middle East in the form of several highly arid climate phases. This economic change ( the "Neolithic Revolution") was accelerated in these areas. Archaeological cultures of this region are the Natufian ( Levante ) and the Preceramic Neolithic ( southern Anatolia, Syria ).

Also in southern Europe - especially in Romance languages ​​- the term is used Epipalaeolithic. He includes here the archaeological cultures of the Late Glacial at the end of the Ice Age, as the Azilian. The end of the Epipaläolithikums is marked with the beginning of the Neolithic period around 6000 BC.

A Epipalaeolithic there's also in South Asia, particularly in Sri Lanka, where it may be used according to archaeological findings since 30,000 BP, and in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan 15000-10000 BC It thus does not coincide also with the European Mesolithic and ranges as in North Africa, where the Ibéromaurusien is regarded as the main representative of 20,000 BP to 8000 BC or later.

Tool shapes

The epipaläolithischen hunter-gatherers used flint or obsidian tools and weapons whose manufacture so-called microliths are preferably used, which are as well as the archaeological findings jenere period, the typical key forms. These very small, retouched, some geometric blade fragments or micro- blades were with birch pitch, tar or glue attached to wooden shafts ( spears, knife handles, sickles, etc.). The way of life was still largely nomadic, but shows up towards the end also an incipient peasant life, because now you can also find rubbing and grinding stones as they were needed for the production of flour. In the Middle East the Natufian embodies the transition from the Neolithic Epipalaeolithic.

Locations of Epipaläolithikums
