
Wahlberg Epaulettenflughund ( Epomophorus wahlbergi )

Epomophorus is a genus of epauleted which occur in Africa.


Species of the genus Epomophorus are very different in size, with a weight range of 40-120 g and a head -body length of 125-200 mm. The coat is depending on the type gray to yellow-brown, with a white patch at the base of the ears. Males also have the typical epauleted tufts of hair on the shoulders, where there are also bag-like glands.

Way of life

Epomophorus species are found in forests and savannas, where they prefer forest edges. During the day the animals hang in hollow trees and dense foliage. The hanging places are often brightly lit, and the groups are clearly visible from the outside. Some species such as the Wahlberg Epaulettenflughund change their hanging place daily, being made up to 4 km Distance to nocturnal feeding ground in purchasing. The food range includes figs, guava, mangoes and bananas, as well as nectar and flowers. Some species such as E. labiatus seem to migrate in search of food over longer distances. Your diet makes the genus an important seed dispersers and pollinators of various plants.

Types and distribution

  • E. angolensis
  • E. anselli
  • E. crypturus
  • Gambia Epaulettenflughund (E. gambianus )
  • E. grandis
  • E. labiatus
  • E. minumus
  • Wahlberg Epaulettenflughund ( Epomophorus wahlbergi )

Distribution area of E. anselli

Distribution area of E. crypturus

Distribution area of the Gambia Epaulettenflughund (E. gambianus )

Distribution area of E. grandis

Distribution area of E. labiatus

Distribution area of E. minumus

Distribution area of ​​Wahlberg Epaulettenflughund ( Epomophorus wahlbergi )

Hazards caused by the human

Except for the in potentially endangered species E. angolensis all species of the genus Epomophorus by the IUCN are classified as unthreatened. However, a growing problem is the destruction of habitat, especially the hanging places and the decline in forage crops.
