Erb's point (neurology)

As Erb point after the Heidelberg neurologist Wilhelm Erb (1840-1921) are referred to in medicine three parts of the body.

1 A dot next to the big head turning muscle on the side of the neck, where the skin nerves of the cervical nerve plexus ( cervical plexus ) at the posterior border of the muscle close together on the surface occur ( punctum nervosum ). There are the following nerves:

  • Lesser occipital nerve ( pulls on the back of the head to the top)
  • Auricular nerve ( runs to the ear )
  • Transverse cervical nerve ( moves horizontally across the neck, Episode artery: artery transversa colli )
  • Nervi supraclavicular (medial, lateral and intermedii ) (drag to caudal )

2 One point three inches above the collarbone, slightly behind the big head turning muscle in which the upper portions of the Armnervengeflechts can be electrically stimulated. This point Erb described in a handbook for the electrotherapy 1882.

3 A Auskultationspunkt over the heart (third intercostal space two fingers left of the breastbone) so called. There, all heart sounds and possible heart murmurs are common place.

  • Peripheral Nervous System
  • Diagnostics