Erzbischöfliche Liebfrauenschule Bonn

Koenigstr. 17-19

The Archbishop Liebfrauenschule Bonn is a Catholic high school for girls in the south of Bonn.


The Liebfrauenschule goes back to a private Catholic high school for girls, founded by the educator Bernardine Cheerful 1876 in the days of the Kulturkampf and directed by Emilie Heyermann since 1900. 1917 took over the Sisters of Our Lady of the sponsorship of the school, in the building at the King Street 17 1919 - 19 moved. From 1938 to 1944, the school was closed by the Nazis and executed as an urban secondary school II for girls. 1945 took over the sisters back to school, the Neusprachliches high school and was expanded ( to 1975 ) to a high school for woman education a. Since 1975, the Archbishopric of Cologne is a carrier of the school. The school was remodeled in 1985 and specialized rooms added.


The school is located in a listed building, dating back to the early days. There are modern classrooms and a free student networking for all. Interactive panels for multimedia use, a reading room with internet access, laptops in class set and a cafeteria are also available.

Self-image and Profile

The Archbishop Liebfrauenschule want girls in their Christian school community to educate themselves safe young women. These are church services, retreats, the trip to Taizé and the internship in social responsibility in grade 10, the one-world -AG is to make a small contribution to the growing together of the people in the world in the encounter with people of Ghana. The permanent consultation with the teachers to help ensure optimal care in matters of school career and personal development.

Working Communities

  • The school medical service promotes the sense of responsibility, improved social behavior and teaches how to deal with emergency situations.
  • Mentors (level 9) and arbiters inner (level 9) receive training in the fields of rhetoric and mediation, are qualified to care for grades 5 and 6
  • About lunchtime supervision and About Lunch, lunch
  • Homework help in Silentium by teachers, strong link to the AG - supply and the music school.
  • More AG offers: drama, dance, music, art, politics, law, self-assertion, environmental, social, Lego robots, sports

Class Offers

  • Language choice and language sequence: English as a foreign language studied by French as a second foreign language from grade 6, Latin as first foreign language from grade 5 with English as the continued foreign language, French as a third foreign language from grade 8 for the Latins interior, Spanish and Latin selectable as a third foreign language, Spanish as new-onset foreign language in high school
  • Acquisition of language certificates: Cambridge Certificate, 1st and advanced level, DELF: Diplôme d' études en langue française, TELC Spanish
  • Student exchange: with Ancenis in the Loire Valley, London and Wroclaw
  • Focus music: music classes, musical theater and concerts, participation in choir, orchestra, jazz band, musical comedies, musicals, opera, stage and stage equipment; own school of music in the house: Instrumental and singing lessons in twelve subjects
  • New Development of specific talents and competitions: competitions in sports, mathematics, science, technology, languages, reading and debating, politics, art, music, participation in tenders, exhibitions, festivals, Beethoven Bonnensis, tournaments, project "Support, call, conduct research " the University of Bonn, Jumping
  • Focus Natural Sciences: Advanced instruction in mathematics and science, as an interdisciplinary subject Dietetics / Chemical differentiation in the area of ​​intermediate or as a fourth scientific elective course in the performance at upper level
  • Learning opportunities to the STEM subjects ( = mathematics / computer science / science / technology ): The Liebfrauenschule is a partner in the Centre " Innovation for the future of North Rhine -Westphalia " ( zdi ) and Deutsche Telekom Stiftung. Middle school students learn in the Junior Engineering Academy in two years' training as scientists and engineers. Offer for primary school pupils: STEM Workshop
  • Pre-employment measures: 1 internship in mathematics, science and technical professions in the Jgst. 9 in partnership with the Industry and Commerce (IHK ); 2, Internship in social professions in the Jgst. 10; 3 Information about occupations and educational programs in close cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and the University of
  • General skills: learning methods in learning - learning concept, Lions -Quest: life - skills training, assertiveness, traffic education, field trips and study tours in all subject areas as well as sports camps