Esselbach (Salwey)

Esselbach in Cobbenrobe

The Esselbach is a 10.4 km long, orographic right tributary of the North Rhine- Westphalian Salwey in Hochsauerlandkreis, Germany.


According to the waters stationing map of NRW of Esselbach arises as Vossel about 2.2 km south of Cobbenrobe on the northern edge of the 562.5 m high Hershey approximately 800 m southwest of Herschede at an altitude of 499 m above sea level. NN. After the German base map 1:5000 course of the river is then called below the confluence of the 1.2 km long Bremker Bach Esselbach. To the confluence of the Vossel has a length of 1.9 km and is the longer source stream.

From its source from the Esselbach predominantly flows in a northerly direction. He passed through the towns of Cobbenrobe, Ising Home, Bremscheid and Eslohe. On the northern outskirts of Eslohe the Esselbach opens to 296 m above sea level. NN on the right side in the Salwey.

On its 10.4 km long road of Bach overcomes a difference in altitude of 203 m, corresponding to an average bed slope of 19.5 ‰. The creek drains a 26.633 km ² large catchment area over Salwey, Wenne, Ruhr and Rhine to the North Sea.


The largest tributaries are the nettle Bach 5.5 km Hengsbecker Bach and of the 5.2 km long Kränzgenbach. The following are the tributaries are called in order from the source to the mouth, by the district government of Cologne (formerly Ordnance Survey ) will be performed. Indicated are the orographic position of the mouth, the length, the height of the mouth and the water code.


In the valley of Essel Bach federal road runs 55 This leaves the valley south of Cobbenrobe southwest. Those mentioned in the headwaters Vossel Bach accompanies the county road 73
