Eugenio Santoro

Eugenio Santoro ( born August 27, 1920 in Castelmezzano, Italy, † 13 May, 2006 Courtelary, Switzerland ) was a Swiss sculptor.


The skilled carpenter Santoro, born in 1920 in southern Italy Castelmezzano was employed as a soldier in 1940 in Albania and northern Greece. After his release from a German POW camp and the return to his native immigrated Santoro in the face of poverty in his home in 1964 in Switzerland, where he worked in a chocolate factory. After 1979 he made a painting for his employer, he turned to art. The Swiss daily paper calls him one of the important Art Brut artists


Many of his works, formed of trunks of trees, life and some have man-sized wooden figures, human and animal figures with distorted facial features are seen in the Collection de l' Art Brut in Lausanne. In the exhibition, Comme des bêtes - Ours, chat, cochon & Cie at the Musée Cantonal des Beaux -Arts in Lausanne, he was posthumously represented by works

  • Maria Maddalena
  • Untitled (drawing, colored chalk )


  • Biography ( Musée de l' Art Brut, Lausanne)
  • Message of the Swiss Telegraphic Agency