Eurasian Siskin

Siskins (Carduelis spinus ), male

The Siskins (Carduelis spinus ) or siskin is a species of bird in the finch family ( Fringillidae ).


Siskins are 12 centimeters relatively small finches, their wingspan is 20 to 23 centimeters. They are 12 to 15 grams. The male is colored contrast black-yellow- green, with black forehead and chin black, otherwise yellow head with green cheeks. The back is gray-green, the wings black with a yellow tie. The females are inconspicuous gray-green and dashed lines, with a light gray belly. However, their wings are also yellow and green areas. The song of the male is in a hurry chirping, grinding and scraping, he is told by treetops from or in flight.


Siskins occur with the exception of Iceland and northern Scandinavia across Europe. They also live in North and East Asia and the Middle East. The Siskin is unchallenged in its portfolio. In Central, Southern and Western Europe, they are years birds.

They breed best in spruce, therefore they are to be found during the breeding season, especially in coniferous and mixed forests. In winter they move in large flocks over large distances through open countryside and feed on seeds and buds. The most animals move more to southern Europe.


Siskins are so called because they prefer to feed on alder and birch seeds. But other seeds, most of trees, as well as nuts and sometimes insects are eaten.


Most of all the breeds Siskins high in spruce, the nests are built of grasses and mosses. Three to five eggs are incubated for 13 days, the nestlings are fed with aphids and caterpillars until they fledge at about 13 days.




Siskins, side view

Siskins during feeding

Siskin in flight


  • Lars Svensson, Peter J. Grant, Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström: The new cosmos bird guide. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1999. ISBN 3-440-07720-9
  • Lars Jonsson: The birds of Europe and the Mediterranean - Cosmos naturalist guide, Franckh Cosmos Stuttgart 1992/1999, ISBN 3-440-06357-7
  • Paul Sterry (Editor ): The Encyclopedia of European birds. Tosa, Vienna, 2003. ISBN 3-85492-813-0

Pictures of Eurasian Siskin
