European route E77

Template: Infobox trunk road / Maintenance / EU -E


  • Russia
  • Estonia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Poland
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary

The European Route 77 (abbreviated: E 77 ) is a major north -south road link that runs from Russia through Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia to Hungary.

Originally, the road ended in northern Europe in Gdansk, but was extended in 1998, with now a sea between Kaliningrad and Gdansk interrupts the street. The road begins in the south in Budapest and goes Vac. The route is made in Hungary from the highway M 2 and route number 2 and has a total length of about 70 kilometers. In Slovakia, the E leads 77 on the R1 and R3 with a total of 205 kilometers. In Poland, the road runs congruent with the national road 7 ( droga Krajowa 7) Krakow to Warsaw and ends in Gdansk. There, the road is interrupted by the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast starts in Kaliningrad. In the oblast the route of the A229, where it coincides with the E 28, and A216 is formed. In Lithuania, the road leads as A12 through the town Šiauliai and intersects with the E 272 In Latvia, the road has a total length of 274 kilometers and is formed from the A8 and A2. The latter performs Riga and crosses the European roads E 22 and E 67 The seven km in Estonia are formed by the street 7. It concludes with 70 km as A212 in Russia to Pskov.
