Eva König

Eva King ( born March 22, 1736, in Heidelberg, † January 10, 1778 in Wolfenbüttel ), born Eva Catharina Hahn, from 1776 Eva Lessing, was the wife of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.

She was married in 1756 at the Hamburg businessman Engelbert king. 1767 began her friendship with Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, who was also godfather of her son Fritz. After the death of King Engelbert 1768 Lessing took care of the widow.

The friendship culminated in 1771 in an engagement. Because of the estate of her husband, Eva had several times for a long time to Vienna, and Lessing had to travel in 1775 with Prince Leopold to Italy; so was the contact between the two during the engagement period mainly from the well-known correspondence. It was not until 1776 they were married in Jork (near Hamburg). Eva moved with Lessing to Wolfenbüttel, where they but in 1778 after the birth of the Son of God died on the maid of puerperal fever.
