Evelyn (Film)

A father fights for his children is a film from 2002, based on the true story of Desmond Doyle. In the lead role of the film Pierce Brosnan plays. The film was produced by Brosnan's own company, Irish DreamTime.


Christmas in Ireland 1953: The mother of little Evelyn and her two younger brothers leaves her unemployed husband Desmond to live with another man. Then the children are placed in a Catholic home, but what the Father does not want to admit, and when he learns that his daughter Evelyn is even beaten, he tried everything to get them back. He stops drinking and looks for a job - but in vain, the Catholic Church and especially the Irish government are against him. Desmond concerned a lawyer and opened a precedent against the Irish State and the Catholic Church over the custody of his children.


" The film is not about criticizing Catholic, state-sanctioned institutions, but with considerable sentiment he developed a family history and describes the process of purification of his protagonist. "
