Evelyn Ward

Evelyn Ward ( born May 21, 1923 in West Orange, New York; † 23 December 2012) was an American actress.


Evelyn Ward was the daughter of Frederick and Ethel L. Ward. She took acting lessons, joined in 1949 as assistant to the moderator Johnny Downs in the variety series Manhattan Showcase, which was broadcast in prime time by the TV station CBS. In 1950, she took a role in the television series The College Bowl, in the 1960s, she appeared as solo for Oncel in TV series and Perry Mason on.

She was married three times: from 1948 to 1956 with the actor Jack Cassidy, then with the film director Elliot Silverstein and finally to his death with Al Williams. With Jack Cassidy, Evelyn Ward has a son, David Cassidy. This was also an actor and in the 1970s the international naturalized U.S. citizen.
