
Had evocatus ( " the sage ", pl. Evocati ) was the Latin term for a legionary in the Roman Legions of antiquity, who completed his regular service time ( 16-25 years) and an honorable discharge ( honesta missio ) receive, but to had reported requirement of a consul or other high-ranking military commander again volunteered to serve in the Legion.

Importance and tasks

There were a considerable number of Evocati in all legions. If the most senior commander of a legion, usually a Legatus legionis, sometimes a Praefectus legionis, among the legionaries was popular, the number of veterans who reported back under his command grew. The Evocati were like the Vexillarii of ordinary military tasks, such as bearings, roads and paths to fix (→ attachment ) and similar energy-sapping tasks, and had exempted because of their experience a higher rank and greater prestige in the legion as ordinary legionaries. They were often mentioned with the same respect as the Equites Romani and sometimes had the same authority (→ Auctoritas ) as a centurion.

In some cases, they were finally able to ascend to the rank of centurion. So Pompey prompted many veterans who had served under him in previous years, to gather under his banner at the outbreak of the civil war between him and Caesar, and to join him with the promise of rewards and the command of a centuria. However, not all Evocati received the rank of centurion, they could not even belong to any desired cohort. Cicero mentions a Praefectus Evocatorum, one responsible for the Evocati officer.

Evocati were often used for special tasks, for example, as a judge of the military tribunals, but which had a significant function in clashes with the population even in the civil courts in the provinces. The Evocati played an important role in the power structure of the Roman Empire.


They received the same pay as a centurion, which was about twice the amount that was awarded a legionnaire. Unlike the legionaries, whose salary was named scholarship, this was at the Evocati Salarium ( " pay, salary, salary ", originally " amount of salt ").

Evocati Augusti

Outstanding tasks took particularly honored veterans of the Praetorian Guard in Rome, with a higher rank than so-called Evocati Augusti returned to the service after the expiration of their regular service. As a badge of honor to them to have been awarded a gold ring and a stylized vine.

On Via dell'Abbondanza (German road of wealth or abundance ) in Pompeii, the Domus Lucii Satrii Rufi ' (English House of Lucius Satrius Rufus ), the only one in this city has a name tag on one of the wings was found his front door decreed. The resident was a evocatus Augusti, the small bronze plaque bears the inscription:

" L. SATRI RVFI, Evocati AVG ( VSTI ) A Commentary (IIS ) "

" Lucius Satrius Rufus, appointee of the sublime as rapporteur "
