
59.00888923.193333Koordinaten: 59 ° 1 ' N, 23 ° 12'

Fällarna ( German Fellana, estonia Swedish Fällana ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Vormsi ( Vormsi vald ) in Lääne. The place is in the northwest of the fourth largest Estonian island of Vormsi ( German Worms, Swedish Ormsö ).

Inhabitants and History

Fällarna today ten inhabitants ( 31 December 2011) ..

The place was first mentioned in 1700. There was also a quarry.


In the area of the village is one of the geological landmark of Vormsi, the coral reef of Huitberg (Estonian Huitbergi paekühm ). The partially overgrown with grass limestone deposits in the midst of a dense forest of fir trees are over 400 million years old. On the rocks from the Ordovician organic structures can be seen. At the site of a signposted footpath.
