Familie Flöz

Family seam is an international group of theater makers based in Berlin. The troupe was founded in 1996 by Hajo Schüler and Michael Vogel and emerged from the study program pantomime today, " Physical Theatre " at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen. The artistic development of family seam was particularly influenced by Günter Titt, Pierre Byland and the masks of Amleto Sartori and Erhard Stiefel.

Become internationally known family seam by their comedic and poetic, almost always non-verbal plays with masks, who received numerous awards. For their first performance at the Edinburgh Festival in 2001, the troupe is called " seam production", later " Family seam ". From 2001 to 2006, the group played regularly at the Arena Berlin. Opened in 2006, family Flöz the studio in the renovated Admiral Palace in Berlin's Friedrichstrasse.

To date, the pieces of seam family were shown in 32 countries.

History of the Company

1996 is the premiere of " Family seam comes above ground " in the disused Zeche Hannover in Bochum, a tribute to the mining and working-class culture of the Ruhr area. The play is a great success among the press and public, at the NRW theater festival in Dortmund FAVORITES (formerly Festival THEATRE FORCED ) is excellent and there is the Force shall indicate their name in 2003. The " seam " refers to a layer of soil in the valuable raw materials are incorporated.

After numerous guest performances in France, Holland, Denmark and Slovakia comes 1998, the second piece " Ristorante Immortal " with a new ensemble in the nacelle food out. This piece, an allegory about the temporary life, renounces language and lives only by visual play, sounds and music. For the first performance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2001, the troupe is called " seam production", later " Family seam ". On the guest appearance in Edinburgh followed by invitations for Ristorante Immortale throughout Europe, Asia and Australia. 1999 will be held the first idea of ​​the seam in the Prater (Berlin).

In the years 2000 and 2001, the productions were created "two % - happy hour", a space theater installation in the turbine hall food, and "two % - homo economicus ", in collaboration with the Theater Dortmund. Both plays deal with the buying and selling human beings.

2001 leaves the troop, the Ruhr area and moved to Berlin. With the song " Teatro Delusio ", a tribute to the theater itself, which premiered at the Arena Berlin, succeeds 2004 another great international success. In the piece about being, appearance and play three actors embody 30 characters. The production of a guest in the same year at the Edinburgh Festival, receiving many awards and is touring in South America ( including at the Festival Theatre iberoamericano Bogotá, Festival FITE Ecuador ), Africa, Asia and Europe. Seam gas benefits for the first time at the International Mime Festival London and won the Prix du Jury at the mime festival in Périgeux. Teatro Delusio is the first co-production with Theater Haus Stuttgart, the continuous partner, venue and co- producer is the Company since then. 2005 is the first time held the annual seam Summer Academy in Italy, studying in 30 young theater artists from around the world with actors of the seam and work. At the opening of the newly renovated Admiral Palace at the Berlin Friedrichstrasse two new productions emerged in 2006: " Infinita " (premiered in the Berlin Academy of Arts ) and "Hotel Paradiso ". " Infinita ", a physical mosaic, tells of the growth and decay, the first and the last steps in life. Hotel Paradiso is the scene of an abysmal Alps thrillers. Both pieces are shown over 50 times in the studio of Admiral Palace and have since successfully toured worldwide. Completed in summer 2008 FLÖZ cooperation with the Admiral 's Palace and collaborating and producing still regularly with the Stuttgart Theater and the Theater Duisburg. At the theater in Stuttgart created in 2008 with a new ensemble, a second version of " Hotel Paradiso ". In the years 2008-2010 seam touring alternating with four productions with a focus on Spain, Italy, Holland, Germany, Brazil and Mexico. 2010 arises in the context of European Capital of Culture at the Theater Duisburg, the first version of " Garage d' Or", a dispute with the hubris of the man and his insatiable longings for distance, control and conquest. The Berlin premiere will be in 2011 at the Volksbühne am Rosa- Luxembourg -Platz instead. The development of the second version of the piece is documented for the documentation of arteTV and WDR " Behind the Mask ". The premiere of the film takes place in 2012 during the festival euro -scene Leipzig, where the seam for the piece Infinita is also awarded the Audience Prize. With an enthusiastic response from the public and press seam ended 2013, the first performance at the Avignon Festival, followed by performances in Lyon and Paris.

To date, seam guest performances with his pieces in 32 countries.

End of 2013, the Company opened the Studio seam in Berlin- Weissensee, a production and creation center for international and physical theater.




  • 2012 - Behind the mask of Martin Uhrmeister, arte / WDR