Faroald II of Spoleto

Faroald II (also Faruald, Farwald; † 728 ) was from 703/705 bis 719/720 dux of the Lombard Duchy of Spoleto.


Faroald II was the son of the dux Transamund I of Spoleto. Probably his mother his wife, a daughter of King Grimoalds was.

In the year 703 or 705 Faroald II succeeded his late father as dux. Faroald conquered around 716 arbitrarily Byzantine naval port of Classis, but had to vacate it at the behest of King Liutprand again. His son Transamund II revolted 719/720 against him, tore the Dukat in and banished to a monastery Faroald (literally: . ... Eumque clericum tumefaciens; "... and made ​​this the clergy. ").

Faroalds further fate is not known certainly. He should be retired as a monk in the donated and sponsored by him Benedictine abbey Abbazia di San Pietro in Valle north of Ferentillo and died there in 728. Another legend has it that he had built the Abbazia di Farfa for the St. Thomas of Maurienne again and is already 720 occurred after a Marian vision as a monk in the monastery. On February 19, 728 he should have died in this monastery. He is venerated on March 23, as Seliger.


  • Paul the Deacon, Historia Langobardorum, ed. Ludwig Bethmann and Georg Waitz, in: Monumenta Historica Germaniae, Scriptores rerum et Langobardicarum Italicarum SAEC. VI -IX, Hahn, Hannover 1878