Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques

The Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques ( FISM ) (German: International Association Magical companies) was founded in 1948 and is today probably the most important institution of magic. He is the umbrella organization that unites the many national and international clubs and associations among themselves and coordinated. Today, about 50,000 magicians from around 50 countries of the FISM belong to (see list of FISM - members). The Bureau consists of the President of FISM Eric Eswin (Netherlands) and the Vice President Domenico Dante (Italy) and Gerrit Brengman (Belgium ).


The roots of the FISM go to the year 1937 in Paris, France back. At a meeting of the already existing 34 years ASAP, Association Syndicale des Artistes Prestidigitateurs (German: Association of pocket game artists), the monthly magazine Le Journal de la prestidigitation issued, whose Vice - President Dr. Jules Dhotel initiated with an ASAP international meeting in Paris in October 1939. His goal was to host a new meeting in a different country every year. The plans were to concrete, but when the German troops invaded Poland in September 1939, the meeting had to be canceled. After the Second World War, however, the schedule has resumed. A hotel in Amsterdam, Netherlands hosted in 1946 an international conference of magicians, with over 300 participants from all over Europe, were held at the lectures, exhibitions of antique books and equipment, tours of Amsterdam, a public show, and a competition with 20 magicians. There was at that time no categories and thus the 3 best trick artists were honored only. First prize went to the French amateur magician Jean Valton, for his outstanding achievements in the field of art cards and manipulation. Second was the Scottish amateur magician John Ramsey and the third place went to the couple " De Flezkis " with their performance of a combination of dance and animation art.

In 1947, the " Congrès International Magique " with 500 attendees from 18 countries and 70 participants in the competitions take place. At this conference discussed the establishment of an international organization and the name of the FISM was proposed. While details were still being worked out, the still existing in this form, Congress was still held annually.

On the congresses in 1950 in Barcelona and 1955 Amsterdam, the Netherlands Fred Kaps came in 1st place in each case. Together with his Grand Prix victory of 1961 in Liège, he is now the only participant who has won three world titles in the overall standings. The Dutchman Richard Ross and the Frenchman Pierre Brahma managed this twice, Brahma the first time but only with a split title with the German Mr. Cox.


The goal of FISM is to be a central "voice" for the world of magic tricks, to assist them in their development and to highlight the art of animation art and promote. It coordinates the activities of its members, and seeks to make them communicate with each other, as well as the exchange of knowledge. Today the FISM against copying and the unwanted release of magical ideas, inventions and routines fights.

World and Regional Championships

The FISM is the host of the three -yearly World Championships of Magic, which will be next in 2015, held in Rimini, Italy. Further, it creates since 2011 of the North American Championships of Magic and the European Championship of Magic.

Grand Prix winner

FISM in Germany

In Germany the FISM 1997 guested with the orientation of the World Championship of Magic in Dresden, before it was in 1967 in Baden -Baden.

FISM award winners from Germany

With Mr. Cox won in 1964 in Barcelona for the first time a German artist the overall World Championship title ( Grand Prix), together with the Frenchman Pierre Brahma. 1994 won in Yokohama known as Franklin Frank Schmidt the Grand Prix.

List of all German FISM World Champion in individual sectors
