Felix Moscheles

Felix Stone Moscheles ( born February 8, 1833 in London, † December 22, 1917 in Tunbridge Wells ) was an English painter and writer.


Felix Moscheles was the son of the famous pianist and music teacher Ignaz Moscheles and husband of painter Margaret Moscheles. His godfather, after whom he was named, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy was. He attended until 1850, the St. Thomas School in Leipzig. After high school he went to Antwerp and later studied sculpture with Auguste Rodin in Paris.

His paintings were exhibited in Paris, Antwerp and London.

Felix Moscheles in 1903 the first president of the London Esperanto Club. He was a pacifist and, as such as President of the International Arbitration and Peace Association.

Close friends of him were Mark Hambourg, Ludwik Zamenhof Lejzer and George du Maurier.

Images ( selection)

Literary works (selection)

  • Patriotism as in incentive to warfare. London: Wertheimer 1870
  • In Bohemia with Du Maurier. The first of a series of reminiscences. With 63 original drawings by G. Du Maurier, Illustrating the artist 's life in the fifties. London: T. F. Unwin, 1896
  • Fragments of an autobiography. London: James Nisbet 1899