Fernando Magalhães

Fernando Augusto Ribeiro Magalhães ( born February 18, 1878 in Rio de Janeiro, † January 10, 1944 ) was a Brazilian gynecologist and obstetrician, professor and President of the Academia Brasileira de Letras.


Fernando Magalhães was born in 1878 as son of Antônio Joaquim Ribeiro de Magalhães and Deolinda Magalhães. He completed his secondary education at Colégio Pedro II and graduated from the Medical Faculty of the University of Rio de Janeiro after that. There he received his doctorate in 1899. Immediately afterwards began teaching as a lecturer at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. From 1915 to 1918 Magalhães led the Women's Hospital of Rio de Janeiro ( Hospital da Maternidade ) before he became in 1922 associate professor of obstetrics at the University of Rio de Janeiro.

In the following years Magalães dedicated strengthened in various fields of education, research and policy. In 1926 he founded the charity " Pró - Matre ," which for years campaigned for mothers and their children. Both 1929 and 1931 to 1932 he had served two terms of the Presidency of the Academia Brasileira de Letras, a Brazilian literary society held, to which he belonged since 1926 ( cadeira 33). After he was in 1930 appointed as the director of the entire medical faculty, he was the University from 1933 as dean. During the rebellion of the " grand coalition of the discontented ", was installed as the new president of Brazil at the Getúlio Vargas, was chosen Magalhães in the Constituent Assembly that drafted the new, to come into force in July 1934 Brazilian Constitution.

His scientific output amounts to over 200 technical papers as well as a compendium of six volumes on clinical obstetrics. Magalhães was also in various scientific academies and associations in his field ( Academia Nacional de Medicina: National Medical Academy, Sociedade de Medicina e Cirurgia: medical -surgical company, Société Obstétrique de Paris: obstetric society of Paris ) and outside his field ( Conselho Nacional de ensino: national Board of Education, Instituto Histórico Geográfico Brasileiro: historical and geographical Institute of Brazil, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa: represented the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon). In addition, he received an honorary doctorate at the Universities of Lisbon and Coimbra.
