Ferrocarriles Argentinos

The Ferrocarriles Argentinos (FA ) was a state-owned company that managed the railways in Argentina for nearly 45 years. The company was, in the reign of Juan Perón in 1948, in the wake of the nationalization of private railway companies.

Lines of business

The FA consisted of six lines of business:

  • Ferrocarril Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
  • Ferrocarril General Bartolomé Mitre
  • Ferrocarril General Manuel Belgrano ( narrow gauge )
  • Ferrocarril General Roca
  • Ferrocarril General San Martín ( Buenos Aires towards the Pacific)
  • Ferrocarril General Urquiza (Region Mesopotamia )

Growth and decline

At the time of the FA Argentine rail network received its greatest extent and was more than 45,000 kilometers, the largest in Latin America. During the military rule between 1976 and 1983 and the subsequent re-democratization, however, the FA went into a recession period. Having a complete privatization, starting in 1992 as part of neo-liberal reforms of Carlos Menem ended

Back in 1991, the FA was divided, the services in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires were doing in the Ferrocarriles SA Metropolitanos ( FEMESA ) summarized. The freight branch, the Ferrocarril General Manuel Belgrano, at first remained in state hands, but was then transferred to the railway workers union Unión Ferroviaria and renamed Belgrano Cargas. The second largest branch, the Mitre Cargas, went in December 1992 at the Nuevo Central Argentino SA ( NCA). Another spin-off was the rail entertainment that henceforth América Latina Logistica (ALL) was called.
