Finse Station

The Finse train station is moh with 1222.2. the highest railway station in Northern Europe. It lies on the route of the Bergen Railway from Oslo to Bergen in the municipality of Ulvik at the northern edge of the Hardangervidda close to the glaciers Hardangerjøkulen. The town Finse population of just 300 inhabitants.

By train it is from Finse to Oslo 300 km and 170 km to Bergen. There is a hotel next to the station, one of the largest DNT cabins of the country and the so-called Rallarmuseet ( German: Railway Workers Museum), which provides information on the construction of the funicular. The Rallarroad, the former supply route for the construction of the funicular, is a popular bicycle route and passes through Finse.

In March 1979, at Finse parts of the science fiction film "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back " was filmed.

At Finse also the plot of the detective novel is The Norwegian guest of Anne Holt.

Finse and the surrounding mountains also play a central role in the adventure novel The Blue Ice by Hammond Innes.
