Flavia Maxima Constantia

Constantia (* 361/62; † beginning 383 ) was the daughter of the Roman Emperor Constantius II and later wife of Emperor Gratian.

Constantia was the daughter of Faustina, the third wife of Constantius II She was born after her father's death on November 3, 361, that is still either end 361 or beginning of 362 364-365 used the usurper Procopius Constantia and her mother to ensure the loyalty of his troops. He hoped that the soldiers would so reminiscent of their loyalty to Emperor Constantius II, when he saw the reasons for its legitimation for the Empire in its membership of the Constantinian dynasty. He often showed up with the child Constantia on the arm the soldiers and took them with him on his campaign against the Emperor Valens, during which he was finally defeated.

To 374, at the age of about 13 years, she married the Emperor Gratian in Gaul and united as the Constantinian with the Valentinian dynasty. Since Gratian married a second time in August 383 before his death, she must have died before her husband. 380 she was still alive because she is mentioned in a drafted at this time works of John Chrysostom (ad vid. Iun. 4). Her body reached on 31 August 383 the capital of Constantine Opel and on 1 December the same year she was buried there. It is therefore presumed that she died in early 383.
