Fosse Way

Fosse Way is the name of a Roman road in England, which formerly Dumnoniorum Isca (Exeter) on Lindinis ( Ilchester ), Aquae Sulis (Bath), Corinium ( Cirencester ) and Ratae Corieltavorum ( Leicester) combined with Lindum ( Lincoln). They crossed a number of other Roman roads, such as the " Akeman Street," the " Watling Street" at Venonis south of Leicester and the " Ermine Street " at Lindum.

In the first period after the Roman conquest of Britain, the road marked the western boundary of the empire. The name of the street derives from the Latin fossa, meaning as much as ditch. This presumably refers to serving as a border fortification ditch.

The Fosse Way is the only Roman road in Britain, which still preserves its ancient Roman names. Other streets were renamed in later centuries by the Anglo-Saxons.

Many parts of the Fosse Ways still exist as sections of modern roads.
