Franz Maria Doppelbauer

Francis Maria Doppelbauer (born 21 January 1845 in Waizenkirchen, Upper Austria, † December 2, 1908 in Linz) was Roman Catholic bishop of Linz and from 1887 to 1888 Rector of the Collegio di Santa Maria Teutonico dell'Anima in Rome.


Doppelbauer came after the visit of the minor seminary in Linz from 1856 to 1865 in Linz Seminary. On 26 June 1868, he was ordained a priest. He was made ​​General Prefect of the Linz Seminary and worked in pastoral ministry from 1876. He studied from 1876 also canon law in Rome. There he was 1878 Dr.iur.can. and 1879 Dr.iur.utr. doctorate. From 1878 to 1879 he was Vice- Rector of the Collegio di Santa Maria Teutonico dell'Anima. From 1882 he was acting director of the Konsistorialkanzlei. From 1887 to 1888 was Franz Maria Doppelbauer Rector of the Collegio di Santa Maria Teutonico dell'Anima.

1888 Doppelbauer was appointed bishop of the Diocese of Linz. The episcopal consecration on March 10, 1889 donated to him in the chapel of the anima to Rome Cardinal Serafino Vannutelli.


He belonged to the first editorial staff, which was founded in 1876 " Steyr newspaper". Doppelbauer 1891 was co-founder of Knabenkonvikts " Salesius Club ". From 1896 to 1898 he erected the episcopal minor seminary, now the Episcopal High School Petrinum in Linz- Urfahr. In 1898 he realized the expansion of the Linz Seminary. His initiative is largely thanks to the Linz St. Mary's Cathedral was completed.

Franz Maria Doppelbauer was also a member of the Upper Austrian Landtag of 1889 until 1908.
