Friedrich Ettel

Friedrich Ettel ( born June 8, 1890 in Zurich, † March 12, 1941 in Berlin- Charlottenburg) was a Swiss actor.


Ettel ended 17- year his school days and hoofed it first via the villages of East Prussia, Mecklenburg and Thuringia. His first major permanent engagement he entered 1908 in the East Prussian Olsztyn. In the season 1909/10 he appeared in Wilhelmshaven, 1910, he went to the Munich National Theatre. 1911 moved Ettel to the German theater of St. Petersburg before the now naturalized German was drafted the year after the military ( service in Giessen ).

In the season 1913/14, Frederick Ettel accepted an obligation to Plauen, but a year later, at the outbreak of the First World War, Ettel returned to arms. In 1915 discharged, he worked until 1920 at the Dortmund city theater. From 1920 to 1927 Ettel occurred at Frankfurt Schauspielhaus.

After two seasons at the Municipal Theatre in Essen ( 1927-29 ), where he for the first time a name with leading roles ( Danton, Shylock, Mephisto ) set out, followed Ettel 1929 a commitment to the Barnowsky stages in Berlin.

Under artistic director Max Reinhardt and under his and Gustaf ', Heinz Hilpert and Hans Deppe Director Ettel received from 1930 to 1932 at the Deutsches Theater, a series of more or less weighty supporting roles, as well as in the productions The Emperor of America, ' The dispute of Sergeant Grisha ', '1914 ', ' A Midsummer night's Dream ', ' the Captain of Köpenick ' and ' customer service '. His last duty shortly before his death led him to the theater at Nollendorfplatz.

Immediately after his arrival in Berlin, the end of the silent era, the cinema became important in Frederick Ettels life. He led there as before, a typical small actor - existence on the stage boards. Ettel embodied guest or Spelunkenwirte in " One Too Many on board," "Master Blaster is the Felix" and " Hermione and the Upright Seven ," a Prior in " Two Ties ," a lieutenant in "The Other Side ", a pharmacist in " the case of Mr. oF ," a doctor " lock Vogelod ", a General in "Black hunter Johanna ," a sergeant in "The Four Musketeers", an industrialist in " the Knight of Pontresina ", a Notary Public in " Three great days ", a butcher in " On the evening on the heath ", a village mayor in " the Ammenkönig " and a boatman in " family connection ", his last film role.

