
Fructose -1 ,6- bisphosphatase (abbr.: FBPase ) is the name of the enzyme fructose-1 ,6 -bisphosphate into fructose -6- degrading phosphate. It is a component of several metabolic pathways and are found in most organisms. There are two isoforms in humans (gene FBP1 and FBP2 ) which are localized in the liver and muscles. Mutations in the FBP1 gene can lead to lack of FBPase.

FBPase -1 is localized primarily in the liver and kidney, and in the ileum, in leukocytes and in the brain. Although it is relatively unstable in urine, their occurrence can be used there as a marker of proximal tubular kidney damage.

Catalyzed reaction

H2O Pi

Fructose-1 ,6 -bisphosphate is hydrolyzed to fructose -6-phosphate and phosphate. This reaction is part of the pentose phosphate pathway, gluconeogenesis, and the and the Calvin - cycle of the plants and the Dihydroaceton cycle in methylotrophic organisms.


While the activity of FBPase by the presence of fructose -2 ,6 -bisphosphate and AMP restricted bind the promoter of the FBP1 gene transcription factors USF1, Sp1 and NF -kB.
