Führer Headquarters

Guide Headquarters ( FHQ ) was the general name for a command post of Adolf Hitler as Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War.

In addition to the well-known Wolf's Lair, there were a total of 20 other leaders headquarters in the German Reich and the occupied territories, not all of which were completed by the end of the war in 1945. Prerequisite for a place that came as FHQ in question was a good access (highway, railway, airport), a good protection and Tarnmöglichkeit and proximity to the front.

It was founded by two committees ( one headed by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel ) examined whether certain places were suitable as FHQ. For the military protection of the FHQ the " leader - Escort Battalion " was ( FBB ) is responsible for the personal protection of Hitler the " leader accompanying command" ( FBK ) of the SS Reich Security Service ( RSD).

Overview of the solid leader HQs

The Obersalzberg in Berchtesgaden and the Reich Chancellery ( Führerbunker ) in Berlin were not designated as leader headquarters.

Commander of Hitler's headquarters
