Fur language

Spoken in

And partly in:

  • Chad




Fur ( proper name: Bele Bele fòòraŋ foor or, Arabic فوراوي Fūrāwī; Konjara also after a former clan) is the language of the people of the Fur in Darfur in the western part of Sudan.

There is approximately 500,000 people (as of 1983) and spoken of another 1,800 people in Chad.

Together with the spoken languages ​​in Chad Amdang [ amj ] (also: Biltine ) and Mimi [ miv ] - where it may constitute one and the same language - is the branch of the Fur Fur- languages ​​within the Nilo-Saharan language family.


The consonantal phonemes:

  • Bilabial: f b m w
  • Dental / Alveolar: t d s n l r
  • Palatal: j ñ y
  • Velar: k g ( h) ŋ

The vowels are: a e i o u

Interestingly, the metathesis is an extremely common and regular grammatical phenomenon in Fur
