Gabon bushbaby

The Gabon Galago ( Galago gabonensis or Sciurocheirus gabonensis ) is a primate of the family of galagos ( Galagonidae ). He has only recently as an entity separate from Allen- Galago Art Along with this, and it forms the Cameroon Galago species group of Eichhörnchengalagos ( alleni group or Sciurocheirus ).


With a weight of 200 to 300 grams count Gabon Galagos the medium-sized members of their family. Their fur is colored brown on the top, the bottom is light gray. The hind legs are long and strong, the tail is longer than the trunk and bushy. The head has a long, pointed snout, the eyes are enlarged, as well as the hairless, mobile ears.

Distribution and habitat

Gabon Galagos inhabit the central Africa, their range includes the southeastern Cameroon (south-east of the Sanaga ), Mbini ( the mainland part of Equatorial Guinea ), Gabon, and the north of the Republic of Congo. Their habitat is tropical forests.

Way of life

These primates, like all Galagos nocturnal, during the day they sleep in tree hollows or leaf nests. At night, they go looking for food, while they often come to the floor. Your mode of locomotion, as with all Eichhörnchengalagos frog -like jumps, where they - what is typical for primates - land with your hands and not feet first. They live solitary, and the males are very aggressive to other males. You have very large home ranges, males 30 to 60 hectares and females 8 to 10 acres. Their diet consists of fruit and insects.


In parts of their range they are pulled through the destruction of their habitat affected, but not in dangerous ways. The IUCN lists the species as " not at risk " ( least concern ).
