Gamma Boötis

Seginus or γ Bootis ( Gamma Bootes, short form γ Boo ) is about 85 light -years from Earth distant star of spectral type A7 III and provides the right shoulder of the mythological figure of the boat dar. Seginus is a weak variable star of type delta Scuti star whose brightness like with a period of 0.29 days between 2.95 and 3.05 may fluctuate.

Its proper name Seginus (also Ceginus ) was created by Latinization of an Arabic form of the Greek name of the constellation boat ( Theguius ). Another name Haris goes back to the Arabic name of the constellation, Al Haris al Sama, which translates as "guardian, protector " ( the Great Bear ) means.

In the sky Seginus forms with the stars Arcturus ( α Boo ) and Gemma ( α CrB ) is an equilateral triangle, as in the extension of the tiller of the Big Dipper (pictured top right).

Pictures of Gamma Boötis
