
Garage Games is a computer game publisher of Eugene, Oregon, United States. The company was founded in 2001 by former employees of the game development company Dynamix: Jeff Tunnell, Rick Overman, Tim poison and Mark Frohnmayer worked there in the development of the computer game series Starsiege and Tribes.

As Dynamix was bought by the publisher Sierra, left the four the company. Their goal was to promote independent game developers and a cost-effective way to implement their game ideas to offer them. These acquired Garage Games by Sierra the rights to the source code of the game engine of the game Tribes, called the Torque Game Engine (then V12 engine). Quick a large community of developers, artists, musicians and sound specialists trained to GarageGames. This now had the opportunity priced to license the game engine for their games ideas.

Since the source code is visible, this creates the opportunity to learn how a game engine works. After all, putting more than 400 man-years of development time in this software. It is now also at universities, primarily used in the United States, in teaching, as it is in research and military use.
