Gasteroid fungi

The abdominal fungi ( Gastromycetes or Gasteromycetes ) represent an obsolete Formtaxon in the fungal kingdom, as the polyphyletic origin of the assigned groups has been proven. The associated taxa are systematically assigned to the stand fungi ( Basidiomycota ). The abdominal fungi are characterized by the fact that the basidiospores are formed in the interior of the fruit body. The spore -bearing part, actually a gasteroides Basidiokarp is called when the belly mushrooms Gasterothecium.

The belly fungi is traditionally one occurring in the following Species:

  • Order: agarics ( Agaricales ) Family: Erdsternverwandte ( Geastraceae ) Genus: Erdsterne ( Geastrum )
  • Genus: nestlings ( Nidularia )
  • Genus: Expensive Linge ( Cyathus )
  • Genus: Crucible Expensive Linge ( Crucibulum )
  • Genus: Fast ball ( Sphaerobolus )
  • Genus: Zwergennest fungi ( Mycocalia )
  • Genus: puffballs ( Bovista )
  • Genus: Großstäublinge ( Calvatia )
  • Genus: Spaltporenstäublinge ( Handkea )
  • Genus: puffballs ( Lycoperdon )
  • Genus: Wiesenstäublinge ( Vascellum )
  • Family: Rods fungal relatives ( Phallaceae ) Genus: Stinkmorcheln ( phallus )
  • Genus: Grid Linge, squid fungi ( Clathrus ) earlier in a separate grid Ling family relatives ( Clathraceae ) out.
  • Family: Hartbovistverwandte ( Sclerodermataceae ) Genus: Hartboviste, Kartoffelboviste ( Scleroderma )

A very similar lifestyle to the basidiokarpen belly fungi also have the truffle (Tuber ), but sac fungus ( Ascomycota ) belong. Your spore carriers are accordingly called Tuberothecien.
