Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar

The Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG ) is a theory to describe the syntax and semantics of natural languages. It is a phrase structure grammar ( = Konstituentengrammatik ) and therefore no dependency grammar. The GPSG was initially developed by Gerald Gazdar in the 1970s. Other significant contributions came from Ewan Klein, Ivan Sag, and Geoffrey Pullum. Her book Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, published in 1985, is the central monograph on GPSG - with particular attention to English syntax.

One of the central goals of GPSG is to show that the syntax of natural language can be described by context -free grammars. Here are some useful conventions have been introduced to facilitate such descriptions of grammars for Syntaktiker. The GPSG syntactic descriptions supported by semantic annotations that can be used to be able to calculate the meaning of a sentence from its syntax tree.

The GPSG is in part a response to the transformation of grammars. The notational extensions of context-free grammars in GPSG to make transformations redundant. Most syntactic innovations of GPSG were subsequently incorporated into the Head -driven Phrase Structure Grammar.
