Gentianella amarella

Bitter Frans gentian ( Gentianella amarella )

Called The Bitter Frans gentian ( Gentianella amarella ), even bitter gentian, autumn gentian or Blattwinkelblütiger gentian, belongs to the plant family of the Gentian Family ( Gentianaceae ).


The Bitter Frans Gentian is a biennial herbaceous plant that produces only a low rosette of leaves the first year. In the second year grows out of the short (10 to 20 cm) stems, enclosed by decussate, lance-shaped leaves.

From the axils of the numerous small, five-fold, trumpet-shaped, reddish- purple flowers grow out. The flowering period extends from August to early October.


Spread the Bitter Frans Gentian is particularly in Europe. It grows on dry, sandy or calcareous soils.

Key Ingredients

Bitters ( Gentiopikrosid, amarogentin ), sugar, pectin, tannins, dyes, vitamin C.


The Bitter Frans Gentian is to be eradicated in hazard because it (eg, pesticides) can not tolerate chemicals and also extremely sensitive to air pollution. Like all other types of gentian is the Bitter Frans Enzian in Germany under protection. He is especially protected under the federal Species Protection Regulation ( BArtSchV ).

Pictures of Gentianella amarella
