George Avis Fulcher

George Avis Fulcher ( born January 30, 1922 in Columbus, Ohio, USA; † 25 January 1984) was Bishop of Lafayette in Indiana.


George Avis Fulcher received on 28 February 1948, the sacrament of Holy Orders.

On May 24, 1976 Pope Paul VI appointed him. Titular Bishop of Morosbisdus and auxiliary bishop in Columbus. The Bishop of Columbus, Edward John Herrmann, gave him on 18 July of the same year the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were the Archbishop of Cincinnati, Joseph Louis Bernardin, and the Bishop of Cleveland, James Aloysius Hickey.

Pope John Paul II appointed George Avis Fulcher on 8 February 1983 Bishop of Lafayette in Indiana. The inauguration followed on 14 April of the same year.
